Pipe adjustment, fluid-based-coloring, radar and 4 new engines - Devblog #9

posted in Astero Inc. - Devblog for project Astero Inc.
Published June 08, 2020

Day 7 - “Cartoon”

Pipe adjustment and fluid-based coloring

As you might have seen, pipes previously weren't rendering properly. Well, now they are. This was quite easy. Simply checking for pipe neighbor positions and, basing on that, choosing what pipe variant and in what rotation to use. Also, when there is fluid in some pipe/machine/tank, it will be colored with fluid color, basing on how much fluid is in this entity. Unfortunately, fluids don't spread through pipes yet, but they will.


There was one huge problem with flying before. If you went too far, you could easily get lost. Well, now it's not that easy. Colored arrows will show you the way to ships. Making that also was matter of minutes. Simply counting tangent based on x/y ratio, displaying arrows properly, checking if player “looks” at one of the arrows and if yes, simply rendering ship name and distance.

4 new engines

I had no better idea for the topic “cartoon”, so, as a reference to a cartoon, I added four new engines: helium-powered, water-powered, aluminium-powered and nitrogen-powered. They are balanced and available to buy in shops. Yes, you can't do anything with bought engines, so it's useless, but still.

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