A man comes out of a coma after 19 years

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48 comments, last by Voice Of Tango 20 years, 10 months ago
quote:Original post by KBab
quote:Original post by Rixter
Do you think it would be possible to ever have a normal life again after something like that? I mean, getting in a car wreck and waking up twice as old, that must have some serious psychological effects don''t you think? I''d probably go insane, kill a bunch of people, and blame it all on space invaders. But seriously, that would be really hard to get over.
Well the thing is, most of you seem unaware that he is infact a quadraplegic with probably a great deal of brain damage too, so he is very unlikely to go on a killing spree. It isn''t as if he''s woken up completely normal.

Did he become a quadraplegic because of the coma? That''s even tougher then, not only did he loose 19 years he also became mentally handicaped as well. Auch. Poor fellow...

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.
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quote:Terry Wallis, who had been in a coma ...
Terry''s father, Jerry Wallis, said ...
His brother Perry said ...

What a family!
No sister merry?
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl
quote:Original post by En Dum En
what if im in a coma and you are just my imagination

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I love the 80s! - 1984
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quote:Original post by Voice Of Tango
They didn''t have computers in 1984, though.

Uhhh...I think computers were around before 1984.
quote:Original post by raging_jakl
quote:Original post by Voice Of Tango
They didn''t have computers in 1984, though.
Uhhh...I think computers were around before 1984.
Uhhh... like I said, they only had abaci in 1984.
They had dumb terminals, and you had to dial a phone and stick the receiver into a foam-equipped modem to access a mainframe. At least, that's the way it was in programming class. I think, actually, that was 1985.

No, wait, I started my senior year in 1984. So yeah, 1984. Hmm.

[edited by - Waverider on July 10, 2003 2:54:29 PM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
quote:Original post by Voice Of Tango
quote:Original post by raging_jakl
quote:Original post by Voice Of Tango
They didn''t have computers in 1984, though.
Uhhh...I think computers were around before 1984.
Uhhh... like I said, they only had abaci in 1984.

I don''t think people had a reason to play with balls anymore.

I have a pic of a 1989 tandy machine that was 20MHz 386 with 2MB ram for 8.5$k, so computers were a lot different then =-) I''d be surprised if desktop machines now are less powerfull than mainframes then.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk

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