What, in your oppinion, is the best PS1 game available in the US?

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43 comments, last by Katta 19 years, 9 months ago
The Quake 2 port was really good, amazingly good fun if you have a multitap!
Xenogears. If they only improved that second disk, though...


Also, magic was almost useless. But besides that it was a GREAT game.
I cant think of a decent signature right now...try back later...MUCH later.
thankyou thankyou thankyou.

thanks for all the advice. Time to boot up ebay. Keep em comming!
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
I'd definitely vote for Metal Gear Solid, as well as Final Fantasy 7 and 9.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
All the stuff mentioned already is great stuff, but for a more obscure game I highly recommend silent bomber.

This game was severly underrated, The single player is fun and it also has fun multiplayer mode.
Suikoden & Suikoden II.

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dance dance revelution.
| Member of UBAAG (Unban aftermath Association of Gamedev)
Metal Gear Solid has got to be one of my favorite games ever. If you have a Gamecube it's been remade for that as well.
Quote:Original post by Etnu
Suikoden & Suikoden II.

I liked the first one alot, but the second one left a bad taste in my mouth. With all of the improvements that Suikoden II had, it still came out worse IMHO.
I cant think of a decent signature right now...try back later...MUCH later.
Yeah, II wasn't as good.

III was really, really awesome, but I somehow lost my copy (I never finished it) when moving out to AZ (it's for ps2).

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