HL2 Benchmark Screenshots (56K be warned) - GF2 (and R7000) shots on page 2

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56 comments, last by andy-pandy 19 years, 8 months ago
Quote:Original post by Salsa
Honestly, am I the only one who isn't very impressed at all with these screens? All I'm seeing are textures nearing "photo-realism". These definately aren't doing anything for me.

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Quote:Original post by Salsa
Honestly, am I the only one who isn't very impressed at all with these screens? All I'm seeing are textures nearing "photo-realism". These definately aren't doing anything for me.
I dunno about you, but IMO around the level of UT2004 is good enough for 99% of the games. I think these graphics look spectacular but IMO they're more than we need. I really long for the day when gameplay becomes as important as the graphics-art and the graphics-technology becomes fixed.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
Wow the people on that forum really don't have a clue.
[email=ubc_wiskatos@hotmail.com" target="_blank" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: #fe7a21; overflow: hidden; display: block; margin-bottom: 2px;][/email]Wiskatosxp
Yeah, after playing FarCry, these screenshots don't do anything for me at all.

Author Freeworld3Dhttp://www.freeworld3d.org
Well the videos do look amazing, not so much from CSS, but some of the HL2 ones. But I do agree that the gfx aren't really amazing, they're still great though. I was much more impressed by titles like Shenmue when that came out. Still it ups the bar somewhat and looks more impressive than D3 imo. It will be nice to see some shots from the Doom engine trying to do more HLesque environments, that don't involve dark enclosed spaces(which is what D3's all about ofcourse). Ack I'm rambling, must get to the point.

I'm looking forward to the HL2 gameplay more than anything else. I know there's not a huge amount of evidence to judge it on yet, but from what we've seen it looks really great.
Not super impressive graphics in those shots, but the movies look excellent. HL2 is the only game I've really looked forward to since Zelda: Wind Waker.
Quote:Original post by oconnellseanm
Yeah, after playing FarCry, these screenshots don't do anything for me at all.


I think everyone who has played HL1 will at least strongly consider buying it, it certainly is one of the best games i have ever played. I hope HL2 has the same mixture of puzzles, violence, adventure and stuff. If so i will buy it.

BTW is there a way to get that licence for beta testing (for HL2 and maybe other games)?
I ran the benchmark on a geforce2 mx200 i believe it was, all default options left on. I ran in the DX7 path and did 31.25 FPS in 800x600 (processor was under 1gig, mem at 256 i think).

Here are the shots, tried to take them at the same locals as before

I will run it again on the Radeon 7000 if I can,

Yeah. I'm not so impressed with the shots either. I expected to be oh'd and aw'd. The floors don't seem to blend with the floor and ceiling, etc. Maybe these are older screenshots? I guess if I had to say it a sentence it would be:

Nice shading on an older 3D engine.
Quote:Original post by happylrac
Yeah. I'm not so impressed with the shots either. I expected to be oh'd and aw'd. The floors don't seem to blend with the floor and ceiling, etc. Maybe these are older screenshots? I guess if I had to say it a sentence it would be:

Nice shading on an older 3D engine.

These aren't older screenshots, i took them yesterday and the gf2 ones today :) I can guarantee that it looks 100% better real-time, these static shots aren't enough. Wait for review sites to do this with X800's and 6800 I'm sure you'll be impressed (I'm running a 9600XT).

btw I tried to record a video but fraps crashes HL2 and the one vid i was able to get was 182MB in size,

Oh and browsing around in the gcf files i found a video card, directx support file 'dxsupport.cfg' and every card from the geforce FX generation is defaulted to DirectX8 or 8.1, i guess they couldn't make the nvidia fx optimized path for DX9.

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