HL2 Benchmark Screenshots (56K be warned) - GF2 (and R7000) shots on page 2

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56 comments, last by andy-pandy 19 years, 8 months ago
*Promit chokes

That's on a GF2 MX?!
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Quote:Original post by Promit
*Promit chokes

That's on a GF2 MX?!

yeah, one of the slower ones i guess MX200 or 100 i think it was.

The processor was 866 with 256MB RAM, took a bit to load but when it ran it was smooth (31 FPS at 800x600 default options, DX7 which meant textures were set to low).

still waiting on the Radeon 7000

So, you were getting a reasonable framerate on what some might be considered a legacy card? Wow. If it can run on the radeon 7k, i am in good shape to run it on my laptop.

This is why more people are going to buy and play this over doom 3. you can actually play it with out having to buy an whole new system.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
I suppose it looks a little like Q3 at DX7, hopefully my 9000 will be up to managing some of the DX8 features. Sustaining 30fps is impressive, that puts it at the same sort of level at UT2K3, maybe a bit better.

Obviously it's unfair to judge DX7 shots on a level designed to show off DX9 features. It will be interesting to know how much effort they put into refining the DX7 experience. For example if a fancy DX9 feature is used, what they'll use when in DX7 it would turn out black, in the actual game.

Thanks a lot for taking those shots, if you get the time it would be nice to see the 7000 in action, or if anyone has a 9000 laptop? I know it's asking a lot and unlikely, but it would make me happy. :D
One problem I notice is the 'translucent flame model' or whatever it's supposed to be. I can't believe its solid in DX7 like that. I'd think that at the very least they'd give it some very low alpha so it almost kinda looks the same without the fancy ripples and the like.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
In the game they'd replace the model I'm sure. That level is designed to show off fancy features, there's not all that much point in it if those fancy features aren't present.
To respond to some of these points, what I noticed with the DX7 path compared to DX9 moving over the water where the reflective/refractive things were hanging obviously can't be done on DX7 but it looked like they were using a sort of enviornment sphere mapping on that. They were also much darker.

The reflective model wasn't just all black, there was something more to it, bad angle on the shot i guess. It was mostly like what is shown but there might have been another set of sphere mapping on it or something.

I was suprised that the gf2 could do render to texture on the screens there.

btw for the Radeon 9000 the default res is set to 1024 in the config file and I believe it'll default to DX8 so you should be fine.

I'm not sure if I can run the demo on the 7000 today but it'll defenately be tommorow then.

I'll see if I can get my friend to snap a few on his Ti4200, might be able to get shots from an FX5600 too.

btw thanks for the rate up, if it was for this thread :)
I had a chance to run the bench on a Radeon 7000 and it looked exactly the same as the one with gf2mx, it ran with the DX7 path useing the same settings in 800x600. I didn't have time to try out 640x480.

The performance however was about half, achiving only 19 FPS instead of the 31 of the gf2. I'm sure running it at 640 would have improved that.

btw who ever said that the guy was just black, you were right, i ran the demo twice observing the dude and yeah he was simply black (on the r7000 atleast).

btw i had to remove one of the 16x12 shots to make room (the first on where your just coming down, looking at water)

well here are the shots :)

some fast q's about the r7k ones, since thats what I have on my old PC.
What was the processor?
Does hl2 support openGL, or just direct x?
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One

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