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Jerk on the internet

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224 comments, last by Oluseyi 18 years, 7 months ago
To integrate what Extrarius said into what I said, for the idea of "not being completely selfish" to have weight, you have to consider α to be independent of expected later utility. That is, if someone's happy, the reason you're happy that they're happy (and, consequently, the reason you'd want to make them happy in the first place) would not be because you expect them to reward you by being your friend, but simply because it makes you happy for others to be happy.

This is a difficult concept, particularly for people who are not yet in the later stages of moral and ethical development. Vanke, I suggest you check out this page, as good an introduction on the rise of social contracts as any, and see how much of it rings a bell. Your attachment of additional value to personal acquaintances suggests that you most closely align with stage 3.
Quote: Original post by Vanke
but it also has to do with the fact that its a VIDEOGAME.

Which people play for THEIR fun, not yours. Why should your fun be more important? Why should you screw up people's fun? For YOUR fun? People are not your personal playthings, you know. It's cruel for you to think otherwise.
you are the fucking antichrist.

when i read you post, i got the impression you were against childish behavior, it was only after i read the replies that the quarter fell. when i saw you enjoyed tk-ing i though that must be some stupid CS term, who old enough to be able to post on a forum would enjoy teamkilling?

the only game i play at the moment is soldat. i now and then fire it up for a round or two. the only gamemodes i usually ever play are team related, CTF mostly. it can be really cool if your team works like a well-oiled machine. however, it takes only one juvenile wanker to destroy the game for everyone.

usually the players who were actually interested in playing would just move to another server: a big pain in the ass. however, since the interoduction of a functional banning system, the game has just gotten so much funnier. all games should have that.
Quote: Original post by Extrarius
Quote: Original post by Vanke
[...]Selfish jerk?? I am offended at you calling me a jerk. Selfish however is another matter simply because everyone is selfish we all act selfishly it's human nature.[...]
While you might argue all people are selfish with statements such as "they only help people because it makes them feel good", I think such arguments are useless reguardless of whether they are true or not because such arguments make the word "selfish" useless. If you want to hold such argments anyways, allow me to refrase my accusation: You appear to be (or appear to have been, since it now seems your actions were done long ago) more selfish than anybody I find respectable.
Quote: [...]I'm not a jerk I'm never rude or mean when i tk.
I say you are a jerk because by TKing you wasted the most valuable asset anybody has, their time,(apparently) without consideration for the people you were affecting. It's not much different than a schoolyard bully harrasing smaller kids that can't fight back. Sure, the kids can call over a teacher or something, just like players could call over admins (if they can find one), but either way a person was seriously inconvenienced.

The word selfish is useless, at least to me, I never want to impose my way of thinking on someone else however. Also in response to you finding me more selfish then anyone you find respectable, well I just think you don't know those people who you respect that well.

In fact I know several people who are very selfish yet I give them more respect then anyone else i know. In fact some of them have even won nobel prizes advanced man kind in ways that I never will yet still are very selfish people.
I believe everyone is inherently selfish. I havne't seen anything that has proven that belief false.
Congratulations Mr. Troll. You seem to have completed your task here quite admirably.
"I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." ~Frank Herbert, DuneMy slice of the web
Quote: Original post by Vanke

I would never cause harm to another person ever regardless of whether I could be caught or not, I thought I had gotten that across apparantly not. But I do assure you I have very strong moral and ethical beliefs.

So causing unnecessary fustration for other players for you own entertainment is part of your moral beliefs. Note I say 'unnecessary' because it's often good to fustrate your enemy. But if I am a sniper and worked into a good spot and you come over and shoot me and have a good laugh at me, that's perfectly ok? Why not just stick to Free for all games in the first place? The fact that you go out of your way to annoy other players does not say a lot about your beliefs.

To me tking in a game has nothing to do with morals and ethics they just don't apply to videogames for me. It has to do with no reprucssions and anonymity but it also has to do with the fact that its a VIDEOGAME.

As many have tried to tell you, the video game is just the medium. There are real people at the other end. The fact that you are willing to do bad just because you know you won't get punished shows you do *not* have a strong moral or ethical belief. I guess respect for people and honour mean nothing to you. As long as nobody finds out about it, you do whatever you want no matter how many people you hurt ( doesn't have to be physical ) or annoy. Good job...
Quote: Original post by Vanke

Quote: Original post by Vanke
[...]Well that's cool for you but to be honest I just don't care my time is infinitly more valuable to me then your time is and you will say the same to me. I dont' really care about how you spend your time if it's spent wisely or not, that's up to you not me. If I affect how you spend your time that's your problem to fix not mine.

Quote: Original post by Vanke
[...]con·tempt (kən-tĕmpt') pronunciation

1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.[...]
Sounds like that is exactly how you were treating others - "my time is infinitly more valuable to me then your time". Believe it or not, many people don't feel the same. I'd be one such person. For example, I don't use weapons that I feel are overpowered in an FPS, because I feel that doing so would hurt others enjoyment even though I might like to go around easily winning (for a while, at least). I also hope to lead by example, so that fewer others will use such unbalanced methods, though that doesn't work in practice.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
Quote: Original post by Vanke
but it also has to do with the fact that its a VIDEOGAME.

Which people play for THEIR fun, not yours. Why should your fun be more important? Why should you screw up people's fun? For YOUR fun? People are not your personal playthings, you know.

NO of course not i would never think that way, of course people play for their fun just as I play for my fun. To me my fun is more important then their fun. If them having fun increases my fun then I want them to have more fun if it's the other way around well then it's the other way around. I don't think there is many people who will view their fun as less important then mine or anyone elses. I'm just a little more open about it.
While I agree that playing Counter-Strike is a waste of time, and that a good number of players take the game entirely too serious, I don't believe that gives me the right to ruin the experience for them.

To me, your justification that it's just a game and so it's not important is equivalent to me walking into the middle of a soccer game, picking up the ball, and walking off. While it may be humourous for me; it would ruin the game for everyone else.

So, what is the difference?

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