How can Nintendo make comparable graphics to its competetors next gen?

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71 comments, last by RobTheBloke 18 years, 7 months ago
Quote:Original post by Toji
I personally think that Nintendo is going to keep cruising through the "console wars", not as a winner, but as a survivor. Sony and Microsoft are probably going to suffer the same fate as Sega, Atari, and the like and eventually fade away as new consoles from new companies are introduced, but Nintendo will always be there, jsut as low key and just as fun as ever.

I don't think Microsoft will ever become another Sega (are you referring to Genesis or Dreamcast?); how much money has X-Box cost them already? Sony's got a lock on some fantastic franchises, along with impressive console specs. I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon either. Just my opinion.
:stylin: "Make games, not war.""...if you're doing this to learn then just study a modern C++ compiler's implementation." -snk_kid
" So my question is this, what specs could the Rev. have that could give it optimum capabilities given its current size and desired under $200 price point? "

Have you not heard about the controller for the nintendo rev??
Gameplay isn't all about graphics... hell, the ordinary housewife hardly cares (they still tetris and the like ...) . It's about gameplay.

Don't get me wrong, everyone likes nice graphics ... but there is a max up to which you should care about it.
Quote:Original post by stylin
how much money has X-Box cost them already?

Four billion [grin]

I enjoy mentioning that
I am not sure gameplay creativity is the strong side of nintendo.
I think nintendo has many fans from past days.
How much creative you have to be to make a 1000 mario games?
Nintendo is like the britney spears of video games. Her music sucks, but a lot of people like it. Guess its the same.
(All nintendo fans dont get too angry from my cynical post )
It's all about the wheel.Never blindly trust technoligy.I love my internal organs.Real men don't shower.Quote:Original post by Toolmaker Quote:Original post by The C modest godHow is my improoved signature?It sucks, just like you.
I don't think Nintendo will ever be the system for the "Gamer". Nintendo is all about doing something different and making fun little games. They have done it with Mario Party time and again. The games that I personnally really like on Gamecube are probably the games that the normal "Gamer" might think are a waste of time.

If I wanted FPS and Racing games, I don't think I would have choosen the GC but what I want is a bright and color game that I can pick up and enjoy for a while.

I don't know if I will be getting a Next Gen console but I can say that if I do it will be the Revolution, hopefully there are more Mario Parties on the way.
If Nintendo uses a common off the shelf graphics chipset, they could make it cheaper and still powerful enough to compete with the XBox 360 and PS3.

Check out Super Play, the SNES inspired Game Engine:

I think its the begining of the end for nintendo.
This is the strategy of a dying console, the cheaper lower techonligy system.
It has been attempted before, by sega.
Nintendo might do more games for little kids, but I dont think their games are heaps more innovative and fun frmo games in other consoles.
If in the previous consoles nintendo didnt have much greater success then the other consoles with the same graphics power, why do you think they will do better when their graphics power is less then the other consoles?

It's all about the wheel.Never blindly trust technoligy.I love my internal organs.Real men don't shower.Quote:Original post by Toolmaker Quote:Original post by The C modest godHow is my improoved signature?It sucks, just like you.
The nintendo rev should be very well suited for fps thanks to their new controller design
Doesn't anyone pay attention to what's going on in the world of consoles? Not one console maker is designing & manufacturing their graphics chip. Sony is using an nVidia chip. Microsoft and Nintendo are using ATI. The Revolution won't be significantly underpowered compared to the others. And for those who don't know, the PS2 is a weaker system than the GC, both in graphics and CPU power.
Quote:Original post by sit
Quote:Original post by Hellmaster
So my question is this, what specs could the Rev. have that could give it optimum capabilities given its current size and desired under $200 price point? And how would it compare to the competitors? There are a lot of tech savvy people here, so I would like to hear your ideas. :)

that is a completely different question from what the subject line implies

to your question I respond: What is wrong with the hardware of the gamecube in meeting those goals? Perhaps step it up a bit with more memory [the gamecube has what? 48Mb?], bit faster clock speed, and ability to output at higher resolutions [though probably not 720p]].

the new cdrom-sized design looks interesting, but doesn't seem that much different in size from the gamecube. I'd imagine they'd go with a similar approach this time round.

But the Rev. is smaller than the GC and is supposed to be more powerful. Cause what I keep hearing from people is that the Rev.'s small size will make it impossible (at the current moment, anyway) to be as good looking as the other two.

I want the maximum specs that the Rev. can hold for all the factors that I've named (size and affordablility).

Edit: By the way, guys. There are other non "kiddy" games on a Nintendo system you know :rollseyes:

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